Summer Sing: Chorus Information Night

on Aug. 15, 2022 at Temple Beth El

Rochester Rhapsody, an a cappella harmony chorus, welcomes women singers of all ages, backgrounds and cultures to a special open rehearsal night.

If you are a singer enthusiastic about performing in the greater-Rochester community, enhancing your vocal skills, and having FUN sharing harmonies, come experience what we do! COVID health precautions taken. 

RSVP requested:

Questions: or (585) 721-8369

Ticket Information

Tickets by Phone
Info via Email
Online Tickets
Rochester Rhapsody

Rochester Rhapsody is women's a cappella chorus with a unique blend of 4-part harmony singing. The chorus captures the hearts and minds of listeners and singers alike through quality vocal performance, musical variety, education/personal growth opportunity and FUN! Rhapsody welcomes women singers of all ages to contact us about visiting a Monday evening rehearsals.