Sacred Voices in Medieval Spain

on June 2, 2024 at Third Presbyterian Church

Sacred Voices in Medieval Spain

Scivias celebrates the act of raising voices and singing to God and the Virgin Mary from Spanish sources: Codex Calixtinus, Huelgas manuscript, Cantigas de Santa Maria, and Llibre Vermell.

So many sources from Medieval Spain feature songs that lead people to understand how to be a Christian; indeed, the world’s first how-to guide was a travel guide along the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage route to Galicia. It was not at all straightforward to be a Christian in Spain because many other faith traditions co-existed. Thus, those in leadership of churches, cathedrals, and even kingdoms found it necessary to create art and music that also encouraged the faithful to walk a Christian path. From the Codex Calixtinus in Galicia to songs out of the Huelgas Convent, cantigas by King Alfonso X to the Llibre Vermell in Montserrat, all of these sources include songs and dances that praise, inspire, and lead the Christian faithful to become more pious, songful, and devoted to God through the Virgin Mary and her Son.

Ticket Information

$15/$5 (suggested donation)

Scivias Medieval Ensemble

Scivias serves to reimagine and rearrange medieval music for treble voices at a professional level. The ensemble is devoted to educating the Rochester community about the delightful sounds of music from the 11th to the 15th centuries.