We have a robust commissioning initiative and a purposeful focus on music of living female-identifying composers..
Vox Lusciniae is a newly-formed professional treble choir based in Western New York and directed by Dr. Brian M. Stevens. Our mission is to amplify the music of living composers around the world through challenging, innovative, and diverse programming of new music for treble voices.
”Vox Lusciniae” means voice of the nightingale. A nightingale has among the widest variety of vocalizations. They can combine different sounds to form unique melodies, often unique to each individual bird. Nightingales symbolize renewal, creation, and the coming of spring.
“A poet is a nightingale, who sits in darkness and sings to cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds...”
— Percy Bysshe Shelley
Artistic Director Dr. Brian M. Stevens has been a tireless supporter of new music for treble choir, with many new commissions, world premiere performances, and innovative programming with his choirs. He is a widely-regarded authority on contemporary music for treble voices, and music of living female choral composers, especially those from the Nordic and Balkan countries. For Dr. Stevens, the desire to support the creative and innovative artistry of composers around the world (many who are female-identifying), a passion for the dynamic sonic experience created by treble voices, and the lack of professional-level treble ensembles in our region/country are key drivers. Under his direction, Vox Lusciniae strives to support contemporary, high-quality, and innovative music for treble voices through diverse and engaging programming that fosters empathy, connection, and a transformative choral experience.
716-736-4445 BrianStevensConductor@gmail.comRehearsals are project-based, and membership in Vox Lusciniae is by invitational audition only.