Madrigalia: Love, In Many Forms

on May 20, 2022 at St. Pius X Church

Madrigalia presents a beautiful and powerful new program: Love, in Many Forms.

Madrigalia is back in full force, with a beautiful and powerful new program: Love, in Many Forms. You'll hear stirring evocations of physical love, spiritual, maternal, unrequited, forbidden love and more.
Treat yourself to works by great choral composers of our time: Eric Whitacre, Ēriks Ešenvalds, and John Rutter.

Consider how love flows through an Iraqi Lullaby, jazz from Sweden, haunting songs from Appalachia, and three classics from 20th-c. American culture.

And, no surprise to our regular fans, expect some fun thrown in.

Join us for this moving 70 minute intermission-less concert!

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Madrigalia presents unique and challenging programs of choral music from all times and places, delighting audiences with its beauty of sound.